Lady of Lavender

2022 | Lady of Lavender
Art Print ‘revamp’

2019 | Kruidenvrouwtje
Original Riso Print


Portiekkunst is a community project by Cultuurvlinder, that brings Printmaking into the communal spaces of Mariahoeve residents. Instead of lists of rules and announcements, the little cabinets now exhibit 21x21cm Riso Art Prints of several The Hague artists: Christian Morales, Anneloes Groot, Yara Francken, Manuela Bianco, Annemarie Slobbe, Saber Javanmard, myself and the selected students from St. Paul College.

For this project I also designed the logo + (small) identity style, and gave a ‘Kunstenaar in de klas’ lesson about being an artist to the participating high school students.

The Process

Pencil drawing on paper, digital colouring in Photoshop with my Wacom Intuos. Then split into colour layers and printed with the RISO at Grafische Werkplaats Den Haag as a limited edition.

This work has been exhibited in many places in the area and given to the residents or as presents in other Cultuurvlinder projects. In 2022 I made an Art Print ‘revamp’ based on the original 3-layer RISO for my shop.

Photos by myself, Bertus Gerssen and Cultuurvlinder.