
Selected works of Drawing, Printmaking & Muralism

2022 | Catharinaland Mural
Mural collaboration with Tobias Becker Hoff for Staedion, supported by MICHA and The Hague Streetart

2023 | Lughnasadh Moonwater

2021 | On your Path

2021 | Celandine
Botanical print on paper

2019 | Lady of Lavender
Riso for community project Portiekkunst

2019 | Innercordance
part of De Blauwdruk

2018 | Scarborough Herbs
from the medieval English Ballad ‘Scarborough Fair’

2017 | Into the woods 001
Linocut series

2015 | In your light I shine
Linocut self portrait with my daughter for the Haagse Portretten exhibition at Grafische Werkplaats

A Skull’s Gleam

With Solid Locks

The Witch’s House

Blue Rose Brew

The Final Task

for BONE MOTHER exhibition with Robin Pieterse and Feline Zegers at Kunstinzigt

2011 | Because I wanted to
for Hoogtij ‘Net Niet’ exhibition at X10





2011 | Puellis Publica
for WdKA Graduation Festival at Fenixloodsen

2011 | But you’re looking at me
Riso Wallpaper for Destillaat exhibition at Extrapool

2009 | Perfect Miss
Silkscreen and Thinner Print Diptych

2010 | Not Bound
Painting Diptych

2008 | The Wait
Line Etching

2009 | Tunnel
Aquatint Etching

2008 | What if we would meet…
Polymer Etching